Coronavirus COVID-19 Safe Church Attendance Practices


The purpose of this document is to provide instruction for protecting our church members and attendees and implementing consistent safety measures in line with the Government’s guidelines on protection controls and social distancing measures following the outbreak of COVID-19.


This COVID 19 Policy Document has been reviewed to confirm it complies with the following legislation:

Coronavirus Act 2020

Compliance with this COVID 19 Policy Document does not, on its own, provide compliance with the legislation listed.


This KICC Praise Tabernacle COVID 19 Policy Document is mandatory and must be complied with by all who will be attending services from 13th September 2020.

Where it is considered not reasonably practicable to comply with the requirements in this COVID 19 Policy Document, permission to comply with a specified alternative should be sought from the KICC Praise Tabernacle COVID Team.


In issuing this COVID 19 Policy Document for its stated purpose, KICC Praise Tabernacle makes no warranties, expressed or implied, that compliance with all or any COVID 19 Policy Documents or other documents KICC Praise Tabernacle issues is sufficient on its own to provide safety or compliance with legislation. Worshippers are reminded of their own duties under legislation.


Copies of the COVID 19 Policy Document is available on the KICC Bristol Praise Tabernacle website and will be sent to all members of KICC Praise Tabernacle via WhatsApp or any other form of social media. Hard copies of this document will be available on request.



1. Church Attendees

This COVID 19 Policy document will be applied for Sunday Services and Wednesday Teaching Services held at St. Werburghs Community Centre. Online Live services will continue to be broadcast for those who may not be able to attend until circumstances change.

Online registration is mandatory to determine how many people will be in church at each service to manage demand and to enable effective contact tracing.

1.1 KICC Praise Tabernacle

KICC Praise Tabernacle has the responsibility to risk assess the church venue and to deploy general measures to prevent risks linked to the COVID 19 Coronavirus epidemic, in line with the guidelines set out by the UK government, Public Health England, and the NHS.

1.2 Set Up Team

Over and above measures applied by St Werburghs Community Centre; it is the responsibility of the set-up team:

  1. To risk assess all known and foreseeable COVID 19 risks prior to the commencement of services and that this is clearly documented and understood.

  2. To sanitise all chairs and all contact surfaces before, during and after the service as necessary.

  3. To ensure that sanitizing stations are provided at all church entry points.

  4. Provide individual mics for use during the service, which will be sanitised by the user

    before and after service.

  5. Provide extra PPE i.e. mask, face shields and gloves for Meeters&Greeters.

1.3 Travelling to and from Church

  1. When using the church van, passengers are required to arrive 15 minutes before departure

  2. When using the church van, passengers should always wear a face mask and only sit where you are designated to sit by the driver.

  3. The church van shall be cleaned internally before and after carrying passengers.

  4. Hand sanitisers will be available to passengers on entering the van

  5. When using public transport please adhere to the government set rules and regulations concerning use of public transport.

  6. Personal vehicles shall only be used to carry family members or people within the same bubble.

1.4 Risk Assessment for Church Attendees

Please do not attend church if you or anyone you live with is showing signs and symptoms of COVID 19 i.e. a high temperature/fever and feel hot to touch on your chest or back, shortness of breath, sore throat, headache or you have a continuous cough etc.

1.41 On Arrival:

  1. There will be temperature checks at the entrance using a handheld thermal imaging camera. Anyone with a temperature of 37.8 or above will be asked to go back home for an online service.

  2. Use hand sanitiser gel provided at the entrance before entering and when exiting the church premises

  3. Adhere to the one-way entrance and exit as directed by the Meeters&Greeters. Meeters&Greeters will be identified by wearing a High Visibility vest.

  4. Do not congregate with others within the building before the start of the church service.

  5. Please sit only where you have been allocated to by the Usher, as this will aid in social distancing and contact tracing should the need arise.

  6. There will be no Sunday School or TNT meetings for the time being so families from the same household will sit together.

1.42 During the Service:

  1. Sit at least 2m away from the nearest person unless the person next to you is a member of your family.

  2. Always wear a face covering throughout the service.

  3. Avoid moving in and out of church unless it is necessary

  4. Avoid using public washrooms/welfare facilities and break out areas with others

    where 2m distancing cannot be achieved

  5. Good hygiene procedures must be followed when visiting washrooms/welfare

    facilities and children under the age of 12 must be accompanied by an adult.

  6. Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth as much as possible, especially without

    having washed your hands

1.43 After the Service:



  1. Do not congregate or loiter with others within the building after the end of the church service.

  2. Handshakes or hugs are NOT allowed

1.5 Other risk assessments / suggestions:

I. Ushers will fill in the names of individuals and the position they were sat in each service on the seating plan for ease of contact tracing. Personal information will be handled in accordance with the Church’s GDPR Policy.

II. Meeters&Greeters will be briefed on the Policy and guidelines to ensure precautions are adhered to.

III. Visiting washrooms/welfare facilities should be staggered by Ushers to prevent any number of people occupying these areas that might break the 2m distancing requirement.

IV.Keep service duration to a maximum of 1:30 hours




This policy applicable legislation is of a general nature and is subject to updates. In the event of any conflict between any legislation (including health and safety legislation) and this policy, the applicable

shall prevail.



The Emmanuel Meeting House Narrow Lewins Mead
Bristol, BS1 2NN
E-mail address:

Service Times

Sunday Service:

10:00 - 12:00

Wednesday Bible Study:

18:30 - 20:00

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